Thursday, July 31, 2008

Official Google Blog: Knol is open to everyone

The search engine giant, Google, opened the door to its newest phenomena, Knol, last week. Knol is an information platform for authors to share their expertise in the form of authoritative articles.

Knol, a word coined to stand for "unit of knowledge", has authorship as the guiding principle. Those who are experts in a specific field will be able to write a quality article and include their name with the article. It will be considered their "knol" or their opinion or voice on the subject.

Ready to start your knol? Simply log into the web interface at: and log in with a Google account such as Gmail. The Knol authoring suite is similar to a blog's interface with a WYSIWYG platform. Knol's will be available in search engines and will be ranked by popularity and reader ratings.

Each person has an opinion, an area of expertise. Knol is a spring board to share your knowledge about a subject in a easy-to-use Google stage to enrich and inform the world.

For more, see: Official Google Blog: Knol is open to everyone

Monday, July 7, 2008

Google Learns to Crawl Flash

The search engine wonder, Google, has officially announced that Googlebot is able to crawl and index Flash files. This phenomenal announcement is welcomed with opened arms by website owners and developers.

For more, please visit Google Learns to Crawl Flash.